The Institute for Peace & Diplomacy (IPD) hosted a panel discussion on the future of the Iran Nuclear Deal on July 15, 2020.
- Joe Cirincione: National Security Analyst & Former President of Ploughshares Fund
- Ellie Geranmayeh: Senior Policy Fellow and Deputy Head of the MENA Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations.
- Hassan Ahmadian: Assistant Professor of MENA Studies at the University of Tehran.
- He Wenping: Professor and Research Program Director at the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Moderator: Younes Zangiabadi
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Iran Nuclear Deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif sent a letter to Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the European Union expressing Iran’s frustration at the European leaders to salvage the 2015 Nuclear Deal and triggering the dispute resolution mechanism of the agreement. This letter comes a day after a mysterious fire/explosion broke out at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration has launched a rigorous campaign to sway the UN Security Council members to “indefinitely extend” the UN arms embargo on Iran that is set to expire in October under the terms of the deal. The U.S has threatened to invoke the snapback provision of the deal to re-impose all UNSC sanctions on Iran if the Security Council fails to extend the embargo.
With a few months left until the U.S Presidential election, the remaining parties to JCPOA are faced with a variety of difficult scenarios to save an already hobbled agreement amid the heightened Iran-US tensions.
With experts from Iran, United States, Europe, and China, this timely discussion aims to examine the perspectives of various stakeholders in the JCPOA, shedding light on the complexities to keep the nuclear deal alive.