Image credit: Office of the Prime Minister
By David Carment and Andy Knight
Senior Fellows David Carment and Andy Knight made contributions to iAffairs Canada’s annual Foreign Policy Report Card prepared in partnership with the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. The collective grade assessed by this year’s researchers for the Trudeau government’s performance on foreign policy, defence, trade, and more amounted to a C-
Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly inherited a diplomatic file that repeatedly underperforms. Since coming to office in the fall of 2021, Joly has had plenty of opportunities to chart a productive, if not distinctly “Canadian,” diplomatic agenda. Instead, her government’s diplomatic performance is hampered by rhetorical overreach, squandered opportunities, failures to engage, hypocrisy, and irrelevance. The most recent example of Canada’s fall from grace is its glaring absence at the Oslo talks on Afghanistan.
David Carment (@cdnfp) is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy, a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Editor of the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, and Palgrave’s Canada and International Affairs Book series.
Andy Knight (@WAndyKnight1) is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta, and Fulbright Distinguished Chair in International & Area Studies at Yale University.