The Institute for Peace & Diplomacy (IPD) is pleased to announce our upcoming panel ‘Rethinking Canada’s Contribution to European Security.’ This event is co-organized by IPD and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (FES ROCPE). The discussion will take place on June 7th from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM EST and can be watched live on Zoom.
Recent years in Europe have witnessed growing belligerence and even violent conflict as the Russia-West rivalry has deepened. Instead of inclusive cooperation and common solutions, we see mounting problems and increasing dangers.
Canada’s involvement in European affairs has long occurred largely through the lens of NATO. To what extent can Canada’s role in NATO contribute to bringing an increased modicum of stability to a continent rife with potential flashpoints? Does Canada need to revisit its priorities and policies on questions relating to European security? And with the US-China rivalry taking centre stage and global power shifting east, should Atlanticism continue to occupy a privileged position in Canadian foreign policy?
This event, co-organized by the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy (IPD) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (FES ROCPE), will explore these questions against the backdrop of the recent publication of a signature report by the Cooperative Security Initiative — a project co-launched by FES ROCPE and GLOBSEC and endorsed by the OSCE secretariat.
Registration is required to attend. Reserve your spot for free, here.
Kerry Buck: Canadian ambassador to NATO (2015-19)
Walter Kemp: Former head of the Strategic Policy Support Unit, OSCE
Doug Saunders: International affairs columnist, The Globe and Mail
Frédéric Mérand: Director, CERIUM – Université de Montréal
Zachary Paikin: Research Fellow, IPD and member of the Cooperative Security Initiative