The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy (IPD) is thrilled to announce that our discussion series about the impact of COVID-19 on international peace and security has been supported through a grant from the Department Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces’ Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program.
IPD has been awarded this grant to pursue projects that contribute to the MINDS Defence Team’s research on the myriad ways that COVID-19 continues to impact human security and Canada’s role on the international stage.
“The global pandemic has impacted the security and stability of strategic regions around the world and has accelerated the transition to multipolarity in the international system,” said IPD Executive Director Bijan Ahmadi. “The support of the MINDS program enables the IPD to bring together top experts from around the world to examine the impact of COVID-19 on international peace and security and to discuss how Canada’s foreign policy strategy should adapt itself to this new international environment.”
Explore the series:
Sept 9 – The Future of Grand Strategy in the Post-COVID World
Sept 17 – The Impact of COVID-19 on Security and Stability in the Middle East
Sept 23 – The Impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s Foreign Policy

The Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program is designed to facilitate collaboration and mobilize knowledge between the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces, and academia and other experts on defence and security issues. Through its Targeted Engagement Grants, collaborative networks, scholarships, and expert briefings, MINDS works and collaborates with key partners to strengthen the foundation of evidence-based defence policy-making. These partnerships drive innovation by encouraging new analyses of emerging global events, opportunities, and crises, while supporting a stronger defence and security dialogue with Canadians. Canada.ca/minds-defence
Le programme Mobilisation des idées nouvelles en matière de défense et de sécurité (MINDS) a pour objet de faciliter la collaboration et de mobiliser les connaissances entre le ministère de la Défense nationale, les Forces armées canadiennes, le milieu universitaire et d’autres experts sur les questions de défense et de sécurité. Par l’entremise de ses subventions de coopération ciblées, ses réseaux de collaboration, ses bourses et ses conférences d’experts, le programme MINDS travaille et collabore avec des partenaires clés pour renforcer les assises de l’élaboration de politiques de défense fondées sur les faits. Ces partenariats stimulent l’innovation en encourageant de nouvelles analyses des occasions, des crises et des événements mondiaux émergents, tout en soutenant un meilleur dialogue en matière de défense et de sécurité avec les Canadiens. Canada.ca/minds-defense